Nick Gottlieb

Head of Growth and global man of mystery, Serverless Inc

Nick is currently the Head of Growth at Serverless Inc. Previously he ran growth and enterprise at CircleCI.

Chris Risner

Principal SDE Manager at Microsoft

Chris Risner is a Principal SDE Manager at Microsoft. There he leads a team focused on helping partners build out solutions using Microsoft’s many developer capabilities with a specific focus on Azure and its services. Over the past fourteen years, Chris has worked on many large-scale enterprise applications in Java and .NET as well as mobile app development for Android and iOS.


Thiago Almeida

Senior Software Engineering Lead at Microsoft

Thiago Almeida focuses on cloud computing, serverless, and DevOps practices. He is a senior software engineering lead at the Commercial Software Engineering team at Microsoft in Redmond, driving adoption and development of industry leading applications and services using Microsoft tools and frameworks.


Keisuke Nishitani

Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Japan

SIerでインフラおよびアプリのエンジニアとして金融系基幹システムの開発等に従事。その後、新規事業の企画や開発を経てアマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパンへ。ソリューションアーキテクトとして当初はスタートアップ、Webサービスを担当し、現在はクラウドを活用したソフトウェアアーキテクチャの観点であらゆるお客様の技術支援を行うとともに、日本におけるAWS Lambda、Amazon API Gatewayを始めとするサーバレス全般に関するエンゲージメントから技術支援までを担当。

Serverlessconf Tokyo '17 Speakers

Don't miss these #serverless experts